UNCAUS renews landmark agreement with Chaco Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation – CHACODIAPORDIA.COM

The President of ICCTI mentioned the matter and said, „The aim is to show what sequences of work, projects and calls the university community, students, faculty and university researchers have to offer. Institute of Sciences and Technology Technology.

Also, „The idea is to make known what we are doing, what are the objectives, activities and opportunities for scholarships, funding innovation projects, the creation of technology-based companies and all the projects that are starting to be implemented.” .

Uncaus Convenioiccti Mayo2024a

For his part, Rector Ostman expressed the importance of these agreements to promote academic cooperation through technological innovations and technical initiatives that allow the development of our province.

The call is open to entrepreneurs, researchers and business people with innovative ideas.

More information and registration: https://iccti.chaco.gob.ar/2024/05/06/ebt-chaco-el-iccti-abrio-una-nueva-convokatoria-para-la-preincubacion-de-empresas-de-base-tecnologica/

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