The McCallister family of Home Alone is rich and in the one percent

Economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago have finally answered the burning question about the 1990 Christmas classic „Home Alone.” How rich is the McCallister family? This is a question The New York Times Now there's an answer that the Federal Reserve's Kevin McAllister's family is one percent of Chicago residents in terms of their home's value.

According to economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, in 1990 housing was affordable only for the top 1 percent of Chicago household incomes, and remains so today. A household with an income of $305,000 in 1990 (about $665,000 in 2022).”

So there you have it. Peter (John Hurt) and Kate McCallister (Catherine O'Hara) would have earned at least $305,000 annually in 1990 (or about $665,000 in 2022) to buy a home on Chicago's North Shore. Zillow estimates the home will be worth about $2.4 million in 2022. Not surprisingly, burglars Harry (Joe Pesci) and Marv (Daniel Stern) specifically target the McCallister house to rob in the film.

„That's it, Marv, that's the Silver Tuna,” Harry says in the movie, realizing that the McCallisters are wealthy and must have a lot of „high-flying stuff” in their house.

Fans have long speculated just how wealthy the McCallister family is, as taking 15 family members to Paris on Christmas vacation isn't cheap. Although wealth clearly runs in the family, as Kevin says his uncle paid for the family's plane tickets, it's the trigger that leaves young Kevin home alone.

„Home Alone” never revealed what Kevin's parents do for a living, though it's long been assumed that mother Kate worked as a fashion designer because there are mannequins in the house.

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Leader New York Times website Read full breakdown of McCallister family income.

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