Technology is the best ally of organizations that want to be resilient

After International distributionCompanies have had to navigate the choppy waters of economic uncertainty, and now I doUncertainty is politicalDue to ideological changes imposed on some government administrations in the region.

All these checked Business resilienceIt was great Combined with technology.

Companies in Latin America face a weak economy and political uncertainty both domestically and internationally, according to a recent study by multinational business services firm Ernst & Young (EY). „Three years after the outbreak, The Companies feel better prepared To cope with the fluctuations of the market. Its main challenges are to continue digital transformation, To achieve continuous growth and operational improvements, increase their productivity and to reduce costs. In that way, the Technology It is provided as the best enabler for companies to achieve their objectives and remain relevant in the market,” the document summarizes.

One of the main findings of the study (see chart) of 996 directors of companies established in 18 countries (including Bolivia) is that the main internal challenge facing companies in the next three years is technology and change. Digital (38%), market share growth (37%) and operational, productivity and cost improvements (35%).

“Companies face the panorama Economic and Geopolitical Global uncertainty. Organizations have more relevant external challenges Economic recession One of the main ones. Also, political uncertainty – the second most important challenge – adds another element to the equation, affecting companies’ strategic planning,” EY added.

between technologies Latin American companies are looking to invest in Analytics and Big Data, which allow them to get better information for decision-making and have been on the market for some time. Likewise, three years after the start of the pandemic, the flexibility provided by the cloud continues to be important and ranks third on the list.

„On the other hand, the Artificial intelligence, has made great progress in recent times, covering a group of four very important technologies. At the end of last year, we saw the introduction of Chat GBD: a conversational system based on an artificial intelligence language model that does a lot of talking. 5G connectivity is positioned as a Related Technology, „Telecom infrastructure in many countries is still under development and companies are slow to implement it as it requires high investment costs,” the EY study highlighted.

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How are we doing at home?

With 86 years of existence, Drogueria INTI is one of the Bolivian institutions that has been strengthened by the high and low tides of the country. Its general manager, Ronald Reiss, exemplifies one of the best lessons left by company founder Dieter Schilling: „Sow in bad times, reap in good times.” In that way, the Innovation and technology They are essential tools for dealing with uncertainty.

„As a leading pharmaceutical company, we must continue to invest in innovation, research, development and infrastructure for the production and distribution of advanced pharmaceutical products that meet the changing healthcare needs of our country. In addition, we must consider the changing habits of people in terms of consumption, priorities and time management. Internally, we work Process automation To improve the supply chain and strengthen our research team to bring health to people while maintaining quality,” Reyes highlighted.

At the same time, admin He pointed out that the path chosen to keep the organization afloat is defined by the application of values ​​and the agility and flexibility of working on a strategy. Innovative business. “It is important to study market changes and opportunities, reach out to new stakeholders through alliances and create a diverse portfolio that adds value to the population,” he highlighted.

Pressure from unions

Head of National Industry (CNI), Pablo Camacho pointed out that one of the main qualities that organizations must possess is flexibility and the ability to renew themselves and adapt to new realities emerging in all areas. In this framework, he pointed out, the CNI European unionSince 2020, Media has supported Recognition of Resilience, an initiative of InfoRSE and Gente Motivando Gente.

“This recognition was born at a critical time when there was shortage of food, medicine and medical supplies. Biosafety measures For front line workers. That stage marked a turning point for companies to reinvent themselves,” he explained.

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From the 2022 administration, CNI took a 360-degree turn in its vision and proposed innovations, Change and sustainability, the three fundamental pillars of development and Development of industries. This initiative resulted in a series of events, one of which was called TeCNIa, which promoted a meeting platform between technology and industry. “CNI made TeCNIa a meeting point between large, medium and small businesses so that they can benefit from solutions that go hand-in-hand with innovation, change and sustainability,” Camacho opined.

From the Bolivian Economic Center (SEBEC), dependent Cainco de Santa Cruz, They pointed out that the opportunities are there but not fully utilized as national and international studies in this regard have shown. „Globally, the data shows that tensions are high, but less so than in previous decades, in war conflict or Economic difficulties. Therefore, inaction is the worst reaction in a business environment,” Sebek said.

In this sense, the company proposed that certain approaches and strategies are needed in a situation of high uncertainty. First, adaptation to ever-changing environments; Innovate to create or improve products and services and Greater efficiency and productivity; Communication between different minds and efforts to find solutions, for which cameras are a natural channel; and adequate feedback and risk management and the scenarios it refers to.

Sebek indicated that if conditions are maintained, 2024 will be a less active year, while unknowns related to external liquidity remain unresolved, paving the way for improvement. General Accounts and, above all, less willingness to encourage private productive activity. „Until these doubts are addressed, investment will perform modestly,” he added.

25 Most Solid Bolivian Companies

More than 25 companies will be awarded on November 9 and 4. National Chamber of Industries (CNI) and the European union, With support from Media InfoRSE and Gente Motivando Gente. The event will be held in La Paz.

Walter Moore, Press Adviser to the Delegation of the European Union to Bolivia, highlighted the work of the Department of Resilience and Social Responsibility of Bolivian Enterprises. „We talk about resilience because the most admirable companies come back, renew themselves, reborn every time, and they do so by taking care of their environment and taking care of their loved ones, these are the efforts that are being made. Part of an initiative connects the word unity to business. This With the new edition of the accreditation, we will reward companies that continue to shine with their good practices, and the European Union is happy to re-finance this initiative and contribute to the recognition that the Bolivian business community needs to grow responsibly,” he said.

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Janet Oporto, Director of Digital Media InfoRSE, explained that since its inception „Recognition of Resilience” has had a socially responsible purpose, because, thanks to the contribution Voluntary from organizations, It will be included in a special edition published ten days after the event, contributing to access to water for a community without a liquid organ.

According to the organizers, resilience encourages companies to work on key issues, which allows them to anticipate whether a crisis will occur, but more importantly, they continue to contribute through their actions. Revitalization of the national economy Social, economic and environmental investments, supporting innovation, gender mainstreaming, solidarity and employment.

In the 2022 edition of the recognition, 30 people participated Companies, of which 76.7% shared initiatives in the environmental sector; 50% gender; 46.7% change, innovation and technology; 36.7% employment and 50% unity.

Participating companies are Banco Mercantil Santa Cruz, Banco FIE, Prodem, Fundación Pro Mujer IFD, Laboratorios Bagó de Bolivia, CBN, Banco de Crédito BCP, Fundación VIVA, BancoSol, Fundación Sebolguros, DTI, Nacional Sebola, Nacion Ecofuturo, COFAR Corporation, Diaconia IFD , Sinchiwayra, Alicorp, Hansa, CRE RL Banco Union, La Boliviana Ciacruz, Empacar, Banco BISA, Farmacorp, Banco Economico, Itacamba, BNB, Soboce, Pro Mujer inc,

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Education and Society

Gender equality in organizations offers at least four benefits

According to a study led by UN Women in 2021, in Bolivia, the wage gap (the difference between how much men and women earn) was close to 27%.

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