A reference to high technology in Cuba

Founded on August 14, 1992, the National Center for Biological Products (BioCen) has been an important center of Cuban science, and as it reaches its 31st anniversary, it has been transformed into a first-class scientific-industrial complex, dedicated to research, production and keys. Commercialization of biotechnological and pharmaceutical products, health and other sectors of national life.

The company, which belongs to the BioCubaFarma business group, has been certified as a high-tech company since 2020, taking into account the intensive use of science, technology and innovation for its development and the high competitiveness of its services and high-value-added products.

Today it is a benchmark in the production of immunomodulators, anti-allergy vaccines, culture media and microbiological diagnostics, nutritional, anti-anemic and biopharmaceutical supplements. ., with highly qualified personnel.

Located in the municipality of Pejucal in the province of Mayabeque, the center takes over the production output of more than 30 lines of Cuban biotechnology, among which are some icons such as Heparprot-B, Hepatitis B vaccine, Hebarpenta, interferons and erythropoietin.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company’s workers guaranteed the production and timely delivery of essential medicines to the National Health System, creating the Cuban Protocol for Conflict and Control.

The company also produced the millions of doses of Sovereign 02 vaccine needed to start phase III clinical studies, and later contributed to compliance with the Cuban Vaccine Program against infectious and fatal disease.

It is impossible not to mention the development in a few months of the first method of transport (BTV) for viruses obtained in Cuba to collect and safely transfer clinical nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal samples from patients for the diagnosis of SARS-COV-2. In National Network of Molecular Biology Laboratories.

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Over the course of six decades of work, BioCen obtained and synthesized results that today stand as a kind of landmark in its investigative history.

Natural anti-anemia Trofin, Biomodulin-T and Valergen vaccines stand out in the list, which enable diagnosis and immunotherapy of respiratory allergies mainly caused by house dust mites.

Times of innovation

Among the innovative contributions of the National Biotechnology Center in the past two years, a new version of Transport Methods for Molecular Diagnostics stands out.

This product, known in scientific jargon as TAN (Transport of Nucleic Acids), is capable of inactivating SARS-COV-2 and Zika viruses, and extending the shelf life of their genetic material.

It doesn’t require a cold chain and reduces the risk of infection for medical personnel in charge of handling samples, says BioCen director of research and development Alexis Labrada Rosado, Ph.D. said.

At the research level, the company is conducting various studies on its product, Biomodulin-D, with clinical evidence, focused on confirming the drug’s effectiveness in preventing acute respiratory infections in older adults infected with COVID-19. A project undertaken in collaboration with the Institute of Hematology and Immunology.

As a result of these studies, in early 2023, the State Control Center of Medicines, Equipment and Medical Devices (Sekmed) approved the clinical inclusion of biomodulin-D for the prevention of respiratory infections in the elderly, including Covid. -19.

Likewise, work is being done in the final stages of a project linked to the use of this product in thymic hypoplasia in pediatric patients.

According to the preliminary results of a recently completed phase III clinical trial presented at the IX Hematology Congress 2023, the drug showed safety and efficacy as an immunotherapy in the treatment of this genetic disease.

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In particular, the effect of Biomodulin-T indicates not only the development of this important organ for the immune system, but also a significant reduction of infections in patients.

Currently, BioCen intends to acquire a second generation of this drug product in the long term, which can be used in other diseases of immune origin.

Dr. According to Alexis Labrador Rosales, the center has launched a research project focused on the development of new types of allergy vaccines against three different dust mites that have been achieved several years ago, with high efficacy and long-term immune memory. Administered sublingually in the form of drops.

The scientist pointed out that, in addition to reducing the risk of adverse reactions, it has the additional objective of promoting the greater dissemination and use of these therapies in Cuban asthmatic patients.

Other innovations in BioCen’s scientific activity relate to the development of rapid diagnostic methods based on nanostructured clays, in collaboration with Cuba’s Center for Advanced Studies.

Based on the results recently introduced, the development of the first line of nutritional supplements for high-performance athletes stands out, which a few days ago received the quality award at the first international Cuban sports exhibition held at the Coliseo de. la Ciudad Deportiva (which was used with positive results for our competitors at the San Salvador-2023 Central American and Caribbean Games), with the technology and scalability to produce dehydrated foods widely used for human consumption and commerce. Introducing homogenization and dehydration services of natural products.

In the background

BioCen is the only center in the country with a complete cycle platform for research, development, manufacturing, marketing and monitoring of allergy vaccines indicated for the treatment of asthma patients.

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This year the company received three national awards from the Cuban Academy of Sciences, two of which related to biomedical research on biomodulin-D, in collaboration with the Institute of Hematology and Immunology and the Molecular Immunology Center, and another for animal development. Models for evaluating treatment or prevention approaches in Alzheimer’s disease.

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