Taylor Swift fans believe she’s behind the identity of Ellie Conway, a mysterious author whose debut novel has been adapted into Matthew Vaughn’s upcoming spy movie. For Archie.

The spy action comedy starring Henry Cavill and Dua Lipa is based on a previously unpublished book by first-time novelist Conway. The book was originally scheduled to be released in September, but has since been pushed back to April next year.

As mentioned The Hollywood Reporter Last month, the author’s identity proved elusive. An Autobiography Penguin He says he was „born and raised in upstate New York” and wrote his first novel „about Agent Argyll while working as a waiter in a diner one night.”

Internet searches yield little information about Conway elsewhere, citing references to a fictional character in an Australian soap. next door. Despite his absence online, the teacher is a character in the film Aoun, starring Bryce Dallas Howard.

The trailer of the film was released last month by a TikTok user jessicalynnslocum Posted by Two videos

In the video, he points out various clues linking him to the pop star. This includes Conway’s red hair, after Swift played a writer with red hair in her 'All Too Well’ short.

Conway carries around a cat in a backpack that Swift previously wore. Two of Swift’s three cats are the same breed, the Scottish Fold. You can watch the clip below.


🚨Is this a Taylor nickname???🚨To #Argi #Elliconway #highlovers #swifties4ever #swifttoker #TaylorSwift #swiftdog #Known #TaylorSwiftie #Swiftie #swiftdog #pseudonym

♬ Original Sound – JessieWiftok

As mentioned PolygonThe date of Conway’s first post has been verified Instagram account It shares the same date as Swift’s birthday, December 13.

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Turns out she helped co-write it

For ArchieIt stars Sam Rockwell, Bryan Cranston and Catherine O’Hara and is scheduled to hit theaters on February 2, 2024.

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