Hubble spotlights a supernova

Hubble spotlights a supernova

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image reveals the galaxy LEDA 857074. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, RJ Foley

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the galaxy LEDA 857074 in the constellation Eridanus. LEDA 857074 is a barred spiral galaxy with partially broken spiral arms. The image also captures the supernova SN 2022ADQZ, which shines brightly on the right side of the galaxy bar.

Several evolutionary pathways lead to a supernova explosion. One is the death of a major star. When a supermassive star runs out of its hydrogen fuel, it begins a phase where it combines the remaining elements with heavier and heavier ones. These final fusion reactions produce less and less outward force (radiation pressure) to balance the star’s gravitational pull inward.

As heavier elements form in the star’s core, the core begins to completely collapse under its own gravity, and the outer layers of the star explode in a supernova explosion. Depending on the star’s original mass, its core may collapse into nothing but neutrons, leaving behind a neutron star, or its gravity becomes so strong that it collapses into a black hole.

Astronomers detected supernova SN 2022ADQZ in late 2022 with an automated probe. This discovery led to the observation of the supernova’s host galaxy LEDA 857074 with Hubble in early 2023.

Hubble’s sharp vision means it can spot supernovae billions of light-years away and are difficult for other telescopes to study. A supernova image from the ground usually blends with the image of its host galaxy, but Hubble was able to distinguish a supernova’s light from its host galaxy and measure the supernova directly.

Astronomers detect thousands of supernovae every year, but the chances of them finding one in the millions of galaxies listed are slim. Thanks to this supernova, LEDA 857074 joins the ranks of other celestial objects with its own Hubble image.

Quotation: Hubble Spotlights Supernova Retrieved August 9, 2024, from (2024, August 9)

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